Badgers allows young players to develop their hockey skills and play competitive matches in a friendly supportive environment. Our Badgers team plays matches against other local teams where they can hone the skills they acquire in training. When they’re ready they move up into our Senior teams!

What is Badgers?
Competitive 11-a-side hockey
Learning environment
Mixed girls & boys
Support from adult players
Badgers rules
Badgers Hockey generally conforms to the International Hockey Federation's Rules of Hockey.
Age of players
Junior players must be aged under 16 at the start of the playing season and not play regularly for a Senior team.
Mixture of girls and boys
Badgers teams are expected to be a mix of girls and boys, although no specific targets are set.
Both sides contribute to a friendly, competitive match
One-sided matches do little to encourage and develop players. If both coaches agree teams may be adjusted to equalise the match e.g. by removing players.
Gumshields & shinpads
At Evesham & Badsey Badgers wearing gumshields and shinpads is mandatory during all training and matches. This is solely for safety reasons. Without a gumshield Badgers are not permitted to play.
Adult players
Maximum of two adult players
A maximum of two adult players can play to coach, guide and educate. This can include an adult goalkeeper, although this is not actively encouraged.
Adult players are to coach, guide & educate
Adult players should not take many restarts of the game after the ball has gone over the back line, or take free hits, or push out at penalty corners.
A goal may only be scored by the Junior players of the attacking team. Adults scores will not count and adults should not engage in the circle.
Penalty corners
The intention is that there should be only be adult outfield players coaching at penalty corners.
Badgers FAQs
Who do we play against?
We play in the Badgers Conference South against Worcester Potters, Worcester Pippins, Stourport, Redditch, Bromsgrove, Droitwich and Kings Heath. We play matches home and away. Please try and support away matches as well as home.
We use our Club mobile app, Spond, to manage all training and matches where you’ll find dates, times and locations. The full season of matches are published in advance. Please ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ as soon as you can as this helps us help you!
Pre-match – please arrive at the match venue 30 minutes before push back. Before every game we warm up together, hit some balls and have a pre-match briefing.
Post-match – After our matches we usually go for teas, both home and away. Our home teas are in Strawberry Field, Evesham. We have some snacks and a drink and nominate our Player of the Match. This is an important part of hockey and we encourage Badgers and parents to join us for post-match bonding.
Club culture
- Friendly & welcoming
- Have fun & enjoy playing!
- Positive & supportive
- Play fair & respect others
Social media
We remind all players and parents that you represent our Club and should not bring us into disrepute. Please use a common-sense approach to posting on social media – don’t post about the opposition, umpires or your teammates.
- Trudi Durband 07525 499670
- Andy Osborne 07970 681505