Club Committee - role descriptions


  • Advise the Committee on club policy where required.
  • Assist the Committee in making decisions for the benefit of the whole club.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings.
  • Special project involvement.


Co-Chairperson: Rich Hall ebhcfixtures [at]  07958 340242 Co-Chairperson: Mark Watts-Jones mwjmail [at] 07973 963539
  • Co-ordinate (including format and agenda) and chair club meetings, including Committee Meetings, Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings.
  • Co-ordinate decisions made by the Management Committee on behalf of the club.
  • Have the casting vote on any unresolved club issues.
  • Ensure that committee members are aware of their roles and responsibilities.
  • Direct the general affairs of the club and delegate responsibilities for carrying out activities in line with the club’s constitution, policies and procedures.
  • Work closely with the Secretary, Treasurer and other Committee members to ensure the effective running of the club.
  • Act as the ambassador and/or spokesperson for the club.


Secretary: James Molloy 07876 149682

  • Be the principal administrator for the club, dealing with club correspondence and distributing to relevant club officials for response where required.
  • Prepare (in conjunction with the Chairperson) and distribute Committee meeting and Annual General Meeting agendas.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings.
  • Record the minutes of all Committee meetings and distribute copies.
  • Ensure appropriate documents (including minutes) are available to Committee members.
  • Work with the Treasurer to ensure all affiliation/registration documents are accurate and fees are paid on time.

Ensure all members have a copy of the club handbook, insurance details, club officials’ contacts, etc.


Treasurer: Beverley Osborne

  • Manage the club’s finances.
  • Keep detailed written records of the club’s accounts (income and expenditure, day book, subscription and match fee payments, cash flow forecasts) and ensure that the club operates within its annual budget.
  • Provide regular financial summary information (e.g. income and expenditure summaries, cash flow forecasts, etc) at intervals agreed with the Chairperson and/or Management Committee (usually prior to Committee meetings).
  • Bank monies as required.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings.
  • Prepare annual balance and profit & loss sheets in advance of Annual General Meetings.
  • Present a summary of the club’s finances for the previous year at Annual General Meetings.
  • Administer the club’s bank account(s).
  • Act as a primary signatory on the club’s bank account (and appoint 3 others as agreed by the Management Committee).
  • Prepare books and records for audit (annual audits prior to Annual General Meetings and other audits as required by the Management Committee).


Assistant Treasurer

  • Assist the Treasurer in the management of the club’s finances.
  • Receive and store copy statements of club bank accounts.
  • Collect match fees from captains on a regular basis (minimum fortnightly, ideally weekly).
  • Bank match fees on a regular basis (minimum fortnightly, ideally weekly).
  • Bank other monies as required.
  • Obtain mini statements (last six transactions) at each paying-in and advise the Treasurer via e‑mail of each banking, including a breakdown of monies deposited and the latest position of the current account.
  • Collect and provide receipts for annual subscriptions.
  • Act as a secondary signatory on the club’s bank.

Welfare & Safeguarding Officer

Welfare and Safeguarding Officer: Candice Buchanan 07740 068809

Welfare and Safeguarding Officer: Andy Osborne 07960 618505

  • Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people.
  • Co-ordinate and maintain a log of CRB checks for relevant club members (captains, coaches and others working with children) and be the main contact with EHB regarding CRB checks.
  • Check and sign off volunteer evidence for CRB checks on behalf of the club.
  • Be the first point of contact for staff, volunteers, parents and children/young people where concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified.
  • Be the first point of contact with the England Hockey Board’s Child Welfare Officer.
  • Implement the England Hockey Board’s reporting and recording procedures.
  • Promote the England Hockey Board’s best practice guidance/code of ethics and behaviour within the club.

Fixtures & Umpires Secretary

Fixtures and umpires secretary: Rich Hall 07958 340242
  • Coordinate and communicate fixtures for all teams and confirm fixtures with league(s).
  • Deal with match cancellations.
  • Handle any fixture queries throughout the season.
  • Confirm fixtures with opponents and umpires, two weeks before the game.
  • Coordinate allocation of umpires to league and friendly fixtures.
  • Help club umpires and any potential umpires develop their skills and confidence.
  • Provide visiting teams with start times, directions to the ground, etc.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings.

Grant and Funding Co-ordinator

  • Monitor sources of funding (e.g. grants).
  • Co-ordinate applications for grants/sponsorship or other forms of financial assistance from organisations such as Sport England, Local Authorities or commercial companies.
  • Maintain a log of funding opportunities, applications and their current status.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings

Social Secretary

.Social Secretary: Agam Kohli 07782 325190

  • Planning and organising regular social events for teams and the wider club.
  • Communications of the events.
  • Co-ordination and organisation of the events.
  • Co-ordination with fundraising.

Club Captain

  • Team selection, in conjunction with team captains.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings

Team Captains

Men’s 1 Team Captain: Colin Berry cberry8164 [at]

Men’s 2 Team Captain: JP james.lw.powell [at]

Ladies Team Captain: Mollie Cresswell 07949 711818

  • Team selection, in conjunction with other team captains and Club Captain.
  • Ensure discipline of players during matches.
  • Implement match strategy and tactics.
  • Deliver pre-match, half-time and post-match team talks.
  • Report results to relevant leagues and the club’s website administrator.
  • Organise/delegate writing of match reports.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings

Badgers Manager

Badgers Manager: Mark Watts-Jones 07973 963539

  • Team selection, in conjunction with other team captains and Club Captain.
  • Ensure the safety and wellbeing of young players before, during and after matches.
  • Ensure discipline of players during matches.
  • Implement match strategy and tactics.
  • Deliver pre-match, half-time and post-match team talks.
  • Report results to the club’s website administrator.
  • Organise/delegate writing of match reports.
  • Attend Committee meetings, appropriate Working Group meetings and Annual General Meetings