Membership & costs

Updated for Season 24/25


Membership: Membership for Season 24/25 is only £75 per year or £60 for under 18’s/anyone in full-time education. 

Club membership entitles you to play matches, Club Day at the start of the season and 28 training sessions throughout the season. 

Training fees: Senior training for players not wishing to play matches is £6 per session. 

Match fees: Senior match fees are £11 per match or £5 if you’re under 18 or in full-time education.   


Membership: Membership for Season 24/25 is only £60 per year and entitles you to around 25 training sessions and Club Day at the start of the season.  

Training fees: Junior training for players not wishing to pay membership is £5 per session. 

Match fees: Badgers match fees are £5 per match. Juniors match fees for friendly tournaments are usually around £5 and may vary per tournament. 

Your annual Club membership and match fees pay for pitch hire for training and all Club administration costs including affiliation fees, umpiring, indemnity insurance, all equipment, first-aid items and other related costs.

The Club is solely run for the benefit of our members and is not run as a profit-seeking organisation.

Come and try us!

New members are welcome to come along and try us out! Your first session is free and after that it’s £6 per session for Seniors or £5 for Juniors.