Come and join Evesham & Badsey Hockey Club
New players are always welcome
Whether you’re an experienced player looking for a new club, coming back to hockey, improving your skills or a complete beginner then you’re welcome to join us and we’ll help get you playing!
For answers to all of your questions check out our FAQs below.
Come and join us!
Our Senior and Junior teams are recruiting now.
Find out more including answers to all of your Frequently Asked Questions on our Join Us page

Friendly & inclusive
We provide a friendly, inclusive environment throughout our club and warmly welcome new players.
Competitive hockey for all
With two Men’s and one Women’s team playing Senior league hockey, a thriving Junior setup for ages 6-16 and a social hockey team, we've playing opportunities for everyone.
Great value for money
Club membership is only £70 for Seniors and £55 for Juniors (Season 23/24). If you're not playing matches you can also pay £6 (Seniors) or £5 (Juniors) per session.
High quality coaching
Our England Hockey qualified coaches help our players to develop their skills and play competitively to the best of their ability.
Welcome to Evesham & Badsey Hockey Club
We’re a super-friendly club and we pride ourselves on welcoming new players, whatever your age, ability or fitness, With two Men’s teams, one Women’s, Social hockey and a thriving Junior setup for ages from 6-16, we’ve playing opportunities for everyone. You’re welcome to come along to training and try us out and your first session is free!
We train and play at The De Montfort School, Four Pools Road, Evesham, WR11 1DQ.
Training dates & times
Seniors – Tuesday nights 7.30pm to 9pm
Our Men’s and Women’s teams train together on Tuesday evenings.
Juniors – Sunday mornings
Cubs (6+) and Juniors (8-11) train on Sunday mornings from 9am to 10am; Badgers (12+) from 9.45am to 11am
Your first session is free. After that training for Seniors costs £6 per session and Juniors £5 per session or you can pay a Club membership that entitles you to approximately 25 training sessions over the course of a season.
For Season 23/24 Senior membership is only £70per year/£55 for anyone under 18 or in full-time education. Junior membership is £55 per year.
Equipment & clothing
Club App
If you’d like to come back after your first session we’ll ask you to setup our club mobile app, Spond.
We use Spond to communicate dates for training and matches, to manage attendance, collect payments and share contact information.
Health and medication
Please let us know in confidence if you or your child has any health issues, requires medication, has any additional needs or if there is anything that we should know that will help us to help you.
- Andy Osborne 07970 681505
Any questions?
If you’d like to know anything else please don’t hesitate to message Mark on 07973 963539 or mwjmail [@]
Follow us on social media
What can I expect at training?
Your first session
Contact Mark on 07973 963539 or
What we do at training
We start with a physical warmup of stretching and movement. We then do some practice of our core hockey skills – moving the ball on the stick, dribbling and passing.
After that we usually split into our teams and practice drills that develop our skills and playing style and that meet the needs of our particular team.
We usually finish with small-sided matches so that everyone gets lots of touches of the ball.

Our primary goal for our young players is for them to have fun and to enjoy themselves in a safe environment. It’s a little selfish but if they’re happy, they come back! There’s no pressure and we’re good at integrating new players and helping them to progress.
At training our Juniors are organised into small groups of similar ages and skills. Our sessions help our young players to quickly develop their hockey skills while also developing fitness, teamwork, communication skills and confidence. With 60+ youngsters, in a 50/50 mix of boys and girls, with a wide range of different ages and abilities, your child won’t be the odd-one-out.
Our Teams
Useful information
Membership & Costs
Find out out about our great value Club membership or costs per session
Club kit
Find out how to buy playing and training jerseys, socks and shorts/skorts
Seniors train on Tuesdays from 19.30; Juniors on Sundays from 9am.
Find Us
Our pitch is at The De Montfort School, Evesham and Clubhouse at Strawberry Field
Come and join us!
Competitive hockey for all levels
We pride ourselves on our friendly welcome to new players – whether you’re a beginner, improver or an experienced player looking for a new club, Junior or Veteran, super-fit or want to get fit, we’ll give you a friendly welcome.